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Photo of School Supplies

School Supplies for the 2024-2025 School Year

This year, Cordova Bay Staff are offering the opportunity for parents to leave the School Supply shopping to them!  For $45, your child will receive all of their classroom supplies for the year.  This would include pencils, paper, exercise books, pens, scrapbooks, felts, crayons, etc.  Families would continue to provide indoor runners and back packs. Oil pastels, scissors and rulers will be recycled from this year and each year moving forward with a commitment from PAC to replenish these supplies when needed.

There are multiple advantages to this system with the biggest one being cost saving.   Savings are found by buying only supplies that will be used in each individual class, buying certain supplies in bulk, and buying fewer supplies where possible (e.g. 10 sets of watercolour paints for a class rather than 1 set per child). Teachers will do all of the purchasing and in some instances will recognize further savings by accessing pricing for educators.  If you are interested in participating in this opportunity you have two options:

Option #1

  • Pay $45/child online, by cheque or cash to your child’s classroom teacher.  If you have more than one child and are paying by cheque, please write all children’s names on the memo line.
  • Funds can be paid online in September
  • Funds can be paid by cheque or cash during school hours before September 10

Option #2

  • Use the lists on our site to purchase required items and bring them unlabeled to school in September when your child attends their confirmed class for the 2024-2025 school year.

If supply purchase presents a financial hardship to your family please discretely inform either your child’s classroom teacher, Mrs.Heron, Mrs. Kaercher, or Ms. Atkinson and the fee will be covered from school funds.